News from November 2023
Census Bureau: 7.2% of people in Collin County identified as multiracial in 2021
Of the 1,039,812 citizens living in Collin County in 2021, 92.8% said they were only one race, while 7.2% said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in June.
Check out the Residential Food Scrap Composting Program!
By Collin Times Report Nov 3, 2023
Plano residents can now participate in Plano’s Residential Food Scrap Composting Program. By participating in the program, Plano residents have the opportunity to reduce the negative outcomes associated with landfilling of food scraps by turning these into nutrient rich compost for local soils instead.
Plano’s Beloved Oldest Tree Takes Final Bow
By Collin Times Report Nov 1, 2023
We’re heartbroken to report the stormy weather we experienced last week caused one of North Texas' true treasures to fall. The Quadricentennial Bur Oak in Bob Woodruff Park was widely known as the oldest and largest tree in North Texas.