
How many students were enrolled in Collin County schools in the 2021-2022 school year?


By Collin Times | Aug 16, 2023

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Collin County enrolled 261,218 students in the 2021-2022 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

This is 82,058 fewer than the year before.

Collin County was ranked eighth in enrollment among Texas counties.

Texas is found to be one of the least-educated states in the U.S. A study from WalletHub ranked Texas 41st out of 50 states in terms of the quality of the educational system and how successful students were.

More than 5.4 million students are enrolled in public schools across Texas. Nearly one million of them live in rural areas where options for local public schools are few and far between.

Enrollment rate of Collin County schools in 2021-2022 school year

SchoolNumber of Students in 2021-2022 year% Change From Previous School Year
Ab Harrison Intermediate School1,0077.2%
Albert & Iola Lee Davis Malvern Elementary School419-3%
Aldridge Elementary School509-6.1%
Allen High School5,315-0.2%
Alton Boyd Elementary School555-9.8%
Alvis C. Story Elementary School4561.8%
Anderson Elementary School7363.2%
Andrews Elementary School400-20.6%
Anna Education Center104-11.9%
Anna High School1,20911.9%
Anna Middle School1,0299.4%
Armstrong Middle School616-9.9%
Arthur High McNeil Elementary School3824.1%
Ashley Elementary School65311.1%
Barksdale Elementary School542-9.1%
Barron Elementary School34813.7%
Beaty Early Childhood School298-28.5%
Bethany Elementary School257-15.2%
Beverly Cheatham Elementary School752-4.2%
Beverly Elementary School360-0.3%
Bill Hays Middle School1,4837.4%
Blue Ridge Elementary School45611%
Blue Ridge High School3037.5%
Blue Ridge Middle School2023.6%
Boggess Elementary School487-2.6%
Bolin Elementary School534-1.7%
Borchardt Elementary School727-2.4%
Bowman Middle School839-10.9%
Bright Academy473-3.7%
Brinker Elementary School468-7.9%
Burks Elementary School332-5.4%
C. A. McMillen High School1,195-3.9%
C. M. Rice Middle School939-6.4%
C. T. Eddins Elementary School358-0.3%
Caldwell Elementary School455-6.4%
Canup Early Childhood28818%
Carlena Chandler Elementary School585-9.3%
Carlisle Elementary School505-2.1%
Carpenter Middle School627-3.7%
Celina High School9979.1%
Celina Junior High School7679.9%
Centennial Elementary School466-14.2%
Centennial High School2,069-1.1%
Cheri Cox Elementary School612-5.4%
Christie Elementary School5726.5%
Clark High School1,254-0.3%
Clark Middle School58013.7%
Clark Middle School8873.6%
Community High School87914%
Comstock Elementary School670-2.8%
County Residential Center786.9%
Curtsinger Elementary School5823.4%
Cynthia A. Cockrell Elementary School690-2.4%
D. L. Rountree Elementary School442-5.6%
Daffron Elementary School6809.2%
David and Lynda Olson Elementary School537-4.3%
Davis Elementary School5043.9%
Davis Elementary School284-5.7%
Davis Intermediate School827-2.3%
Dean and Mildred Bennett Elementary School5590.9%
Dodd Elementary School5975.9%
Don Whitt Elementary School7259.9%
Dooley Elementary School302-16.1%
Dowell Middle School1,067-3.7%
Dr. Al Draper Intermed933-2.1%
Dr. E. T. Boon Elementary School7742.4%
Dr. Jack Cockrill Middle School1,3065.9%
Earl & Lottie Wolford Elementary School3950.25%
Early Childhood School58211.3%
Elliott Elementary School6496.6%
Ereckson Middle School1,2561.9%
Farmersville High School6266.1%
Farmersville Intermediate School5524.4%
Farmersville Junior High School4767.2%
Faubion Middle School1,310-2.2%
Finch Elementary School3334.1%
Flossie Floyd Green Elementary School575-0.2%
Forman Elementary School5475.6%
Founders Classical Academy - Frisco8742.8%
Fowler Middle School963-3.9%
Frances E. Norton Elementary School6736.2%
Frank McMillan Junior High School890-2.5%
Frankford Middle School9750.62%
Frisco High School1,9425.8%
Gary and Bobbye Jack Minshew Elementary School522-7.5%
Gene M. Reed Elementary School472-3.7%
George W. Bush Elementary School8137.4%
Glen Oaks Elementary School4932.7%
Godwin Elementary School55422%
Grady Burnett Junior High School9686.6%
Gulledge Elementary School564-21%
Gunstream Elementary School5875.2%
Haggard Middle School781-7%
Harmony School of Innovation - Dallas4424%
Harmony Science Academy - Plano489-1.8%
Harper Elementary School57821.7%
Harrington Elementary School349-12.1%
Harry McKillop Elementary School83416.2%
Haun Elementary School510-15.1%
Head Start1469.8%
Hedgcoxe Elementary School426-2.3%
Hendrick Middle School642-5.3%
Heritage High School2,055-2.2%
Herman Lawson Early Childhood School49823%
Hickey Elementary School505-3.3%
Hightower Elementary School440-9.1%
Huffman Elementary School5639.8%
Hughston Elementary School33611.6%
Hunt Middle School881-1.9%
Imagine International Academy of North Texas1,386-3.4%
Independence High School1,817-20.2%
Isaacs Early Childhood School270-20.4%
Isbell Elementary School81525.8%
J. B. Wilmeth Elementary School548-8.1%
Jack and June Furr Elementary School812-0.4%
Jackson Elementary School64414.6%
James and Margie Marion Elementary School553-4.7%
Jasper High School1,252-6.9%
Jenny Preston Elementary School61812.4%
Jesse McGowen Elementary School5683.7%
Jim Spradley Elementary School89910.9%
Jim and Betty Hughes Elementary School751-1.8%
Joe K. Bryant Elementary School6989.6%
Joe V. Hart Elementary School59630.4%
Jose De Jesus and Maria Luisa Vega Elementary School425-1.2%
Judith L. Harlow Elementary School80320.8%
Judy Rucker Elementary School693-1.8%
Kerr Elementary School7113.2%
Lacy Elementary School62013.4%
Lawler Middle School9533.3%
Lebanon Trail High School2,0197.1%
Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy Plano302-11.7%
Leland E. Edge Middle School74216.3%
Leonard Evans Junior Middle School892-5.5%
Liberty High School1,936-3.3%
Light Farms Elementary School94111.5%
Liscano Elementary School681-4.5%
Lizzie Nell Cundiff McClure Elementary School6325.2%
Lois Lindsey Elementary School8440.72%
Lone Star Language Academy146-29.1%
Lorene Rogers Middle School1,3487.1%
Lovejoy High School1,6414.6%
Lowe Elementary School65533.1%
Lowery Freshman Center1,784-0.8%
Marcy B. Lykins Elementary School63413.6%
Martha Hunt Elementary School565-6.6%
Mary Evans Elementary School7381.8%
Mathews Elementary School4380%
Maus Middle School9220.88%
Max O. Vaughan Elementary School697-0.7%
McCall Elementary School485-9.5%
McClendon Elementary School1,04225.9%
McKinney Boyd High School2,718-0.9%
McKinney High School2,957-0.6%
McKinney North High School2,160-0.5%
McSpedden Elementary School717-8.3%
Meadows Elementary School363-9.3%
Melissa High School1,31514.9%
Melissa Middle School1,1179.5%
Melissa Ridge Education Center147-64.1%
Memorial Elementary School4150.48%
Memorial High School1,9758.5%
Mendenhall Elementary School5793.2%
Miller Elementary School349-2.8%
Mitchell Elementary School497-9.3%
Mooneyham Elementary School6615.6%
Murphy Middle School1,052-7.2%
Naomi Press Elementary School77017.7%
Nelson Middle School1,12610.8%
Nesmith Elementary School67331.5%
Norris Elementary School702-5%
North Creek Elementary School723-11%
O'Dell Elementary School64317.6%
Ogle Elementary School7250.83%
Otto Middle School1,020-5.9%
Ouida Baley Middle School8154.1%
P. M. Akin Elementary School5553.5%
Pearson Early Childhood224-24.1%
Plano East Senior High School3,1240.03%
Plano ISD Academy High School380-8.4%
Plano Senior High School2,450-2.7%
Plano West Senior High School2,644-2.7%
Princeton High School1,349-16.1%
Prosper High School3,29717.5%
R. F. Hartman Elementary School550-1.1%
R. Steve Folsom Elementary School712-2.5%
R. V. Groves Elementary School6535.5%
Ralph and Mary Lynn Boyer Elementary School8579.2%
Rasor Elementary School4623.8%
Raymond B. Cooper Junior High School990-0.6%
Renner Middle School1,171-1.4%
Reuben Johnson Elementary School407-10.6%
Reynolds Middle School1,00010.7%
Riddle Elementary School7549.1%
Rita Smith Elementary School4873.8%
Roach Middle School929-2.4%
Robert L. Puster Elementary School66462%
Robinson Middle School9993.2%
Rock Hill High School2,49823.9%
Rogers Elementary School5772.9%
Rose Haggar Elementary School5743.8%
Roy Lee Walker Elementary School4550.89%
Ruth Cherry Elementary School38228.2%
Saigling Elementary School338-2%
Sam Johnson Elementary School84222%
Schell Elementary School483-18.6%
Schimelpfenig Middle School800-7.1%
Scoggins Middle School1,1097.2%
Scott Elementary School6713.1%
Scott Morgan Johnson Middle School918-1.8%
Sem Elementary School72522.7%
Shawnee Trail Elementary School498-0.4%
Shepard Elementary School404-2.2%
Shepton High School1,4376.4%
Sigler Elementary School45314.7%
Skaggs Elementary School276-19.5%
Slaughter Elementary School5870%
Sloan Creek Intermediate School659-0.6%
Smith Elementary School603-2%
Smith Elementary School6785.4%
Sonntag Elementary School521-7.3%
Southard Middle School93210.2%
Spears Elementary School7878%
Staley Middle School580-0.9%
Stinson Elementary School523-9.5%
Sue Evelyn Rattan Elementary School59311.9%
T. F. Birmingham Elementary School5517.8%
Tadlock Elementary School565-6.2%
Talley Elementary School6317.7%
Tatum Elementary School37115.6%
Taylor Elementary School7675.8%
Thomas Elementary School6196.2%
Tibbals Elementary School609-3.3%
Valley Creek Elementary School4874.7%
Vandeventer Middle School9192.6%
Vines High School9773.8%
W. E. Pete Ford Middle School8472.5%
Wally Watkins Elementary School87011%
Walter & Lois Curtis Middle School1,344-4.7%
Weatherford Elementary School43910%
Webb Elementary School343-7.1%
Wells Elementary School505-8%
Wester Middle School7991%
Williams High School1,190-1.9%
Willow Springs Middle School7851.6%
Wilson Middle School8600.12%
Wyatt Elementary School332-13.1%
Wylie East High School2,4449.9%
Wylie High School2,9984.4%

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