
Collin County’s student body comprised mostly of white students in 2023-24 school year


By Collin Times | Mar 11, 2025

Webp mikemorath35
Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath (2024) | onestarfoundation.org

White students comprised the most prevalent ethnic group in Collin County schools in the 2023-24 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

Of the 213,059 students attending Collin County schools, 35.1% were white. Asian students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 24.3% of the total enrollment.

In the previous school year, white students also made up the largest ethnic group in Collin County, comprising 37.1% of the student body.

Rogers Elementary School had the most even distribution of races among the schools in the county, which included 37.7% white students, 20% Hispanic students, 18.9% Black students, 11.2% Asian students, 10.9% multiracial students, 1% American Indian students, and 0.4% Pacific Islander students.

When compared to the previous school year, total public school enrollment in the county dropped 0.5%.

Texas is found to be one of the least educated states in the U.S. A study from WalletHub ranked Texas 41st out of 50 states in terms of the quality of the educational system and how successful students were.

Underfunding is a frequently cited challenge facing the state's school district. Per-pupil funding has not increased since 2019, despite inflation rates rising by more than 20% since then.

Student Ethnicities in Collin County in 2023-24 School Year
White [35.1%]Asian [24.3%]Hispanic [21.8%]Black [13%]Multiracial [5.2%]Ethnicities <5% [0.6%]
Most Represented Ethnicity in Collin County Schools in 2023-24 School Year

School nameMost prevalent ethnic groupPercent of Total Student BodyTotal enrollment
Ab Harrison Intermediate SchoolWhite45.8%1,108
Achieve AcademyHispanic36.3%113
Albert & Iola Lee Davis Malvern Elementary SchoolHispanic51.9%437
Aldridge Elementary SchoolWhite40.3%444
Allen High SchoolWhite41.5%5,273
Alton Boyd Elementary SchoolHispanic30.2%430
Alvis C. Story Elementary SchoolWhite37.2%618
Anderson Elementary SchoolAsian62.1%791
Andrews Elementary SchoolAsian58.1%439
Anna High SchoolWhite35.9%1,487
Anna ISD DAEPHispanic44.4%18
Anna Middle SchoolHispanic31.3%659
Armstrong Middle SchoolHispanic59%563
Arthur High McNeil Elementary SchoolBlack35.4%381
Ashley Elementary SchoolAsian50.8%596
Barksdale Elementary SchoolAsian34.6%546
Barron Elementary SchoolHispanic69.9%365
Beaty Early Childhood SchoolAsian35.7%263
Bethany Elementary SchoolWhite44.8%279
Beverly Cheatham Elementary SchoolAsian51.3%671
Beverly Elementary SchoolWhite35.3%371
Bill Hays Middle SchoolAsian41.7%1,913
Blue Ridge Elementary SchoolWhite56.4%511
Blue Ridge High SchoolWhite60.8%296
Blue Ridge Middle SchoolWhite58.7%223
Boggess Elementary SchoolAsian35.2%480
Bolin Elementary SchoolWhite42.3%622
Borchardt Elementary SchoolAsian76.3%706
Bowman Middle SchoolHispanic53.5%815
Bright AcademyHispanic35.5%468
Brinker Elementary SchoolHispanic38.9%583
Burks Elementary SchoolHispanic68.9%366
C. A. McMillen High SchoolHispanic35%1,100
C. M. Rice Middle SchoolAsian67.4%914
C. T. Eddins Elementary SchoolWhite65.1%347
Caldwell Elementary SchoolHispanic59.1%447
Canup Early ChildhoodHispanic45.1%364
Carlena Chandler Elementary SchoolHispanic40.1%780
Carlisle Elementary SchoolWhite38.3%472
Carpenter Middle SchoolHispanic44.4%505
Celina High SchoolWhite58.2%1,176
Celina Junior High SchoolWhite54.2%1,036
Celina Primary SchoolAsian44.3%185
Centennial Elementary SchoolAsian40.4%488
Centennial High SchoolAsian51.8%2,035
Cheri Cox Elementary SchoolWhite40.9%650
Christie Elementary SchoolHispanic47.7%562
Christie Elementary SchoolHispanic60.8%671
Clark High SchoolWhite36.1%1,241
Clark Middle SchoolHispanic43.8%505
Clark Middle SchoolAsian35.5%873
Collin County JJAEPHispanic50%2
Collin County JJAEPBlack50%2
Collin County JJAEPBlack50%4
Collin County JJAEPBlack66.7%3
Community High SchoolHispanic42.7%1,182
Comstock Elementary SchoolAsian44.8%699
County Residential CenterWhite43.2%81
Curtsinger Elementary SchoolAsian42.2%652
Cynthia A. Cockrell Elementary SchoolWhite62.4%718
Daffron Elementary SchoolHispanic49.3%607
David and Lynda Olson Elementary SchoolWhite45.7%724
Davis Elementary SchoolWhite45.6%520
Davis Elementary SchoolWhite44.9%332
Davis Intermediate SchoolWhite44.9%992
Dean and Mildred Bennett Elementary SchoolWhite58.4%481
Dodd Elementary SchoolWhite39.4%515
Don Whitt Elementary SchoolWhite34.5%769
Dooley Elementary SchoolWhite36.8%353
Dowell Middle SchoolWhite52.8%1,046
Dr. Al Draper IntermedWhite35.6%1,010
Dr. E. T. Boon Elementary SchoolAsian44.6%792
Dr. Jack Cockrill Middle SchoolWhite52.4%1,220
Earl & Lottie Wolford Elementary SchoolWhite56.6%412
Early Childhood SchoolAsian57.7%568
Elliott Elementary SchoolBlack29%449
Emerson High SchoolAsian32.3%1,763
Ereckson Middle SchoolWhite35.9%1,263
Farmersville High SchoolWhite48.4%680
Farmersville Intermediate SchoolWhite45.1%649
Farmersville Junior High SchoolWhite48.6%354
Faubion Middle SchoolHispanic39.2%1,157
Finch Elementary SchoolHispanic80.4%337
Flossie Floyd Green Elementary SchoolWhite41.4%568
Forman Elementary SchoolHispanic61.8%539
Founders Classical Academy - FriscoWhite35.6%1,038
Founders Classical Academy of ProsperWhite45.9%882
Fowler Middle SchoolAsian71%978
Frances E. Norton Elementary SchoolAsian41.5%651
Frank McMillan Junior High SchoolWhite43.1%937
Frankford Middle SchoolHispanic40.9%850
Frisco High SchoolWhite32.7%1,999
Gary and Bobbye Jack Minshew Elementary SchoolWhite40.6%461
Gene M. Reed Elementary SchoolWhite43%546
George W. Bush Elementary SchoolWhite35.6%890
Glen Oaks Elementary SchoolWhite66.9%511
Godwin Elementary SchoolHispanic37.5%662
Grady Burnett Junior High SchoolWhite46.1%1,034
Gulledge Elementary SchoolAsian66.3%732
Gunstream Elementary SchoolAsian46.7%690
Haggard Middle SchoolWhite56%704
Harmony School of Innovation - DallasHispanic33.1%498
Harmony Science Academy - PlanoBlack33.8%600
Harper Elementary SchoolHispanic51.3%696
Harrington Elementary SchoolWhite42.9%326
Harry McKillop Elementary SchoolWhite56.5%944
Haun Elementary SchoolAsian49.2%587
Head StartHispanic71.2%146
Hedgcoxe Elementary SchoolWhite40.9%418
Hendrick Middle SchoolWhite38.5%559
Heritage High SchoolAsian41%2,117
Herman Lawson Early Childhood SchoolHispanic41.3%610
Hickey Elementary SchoolAsian36.6%538
Hightower Elementary SchoolWhite38.7%431
Huffman Elementary SchoolBlack32.8%464
Hughston Elementary SchoolWhite59.8%393
Hunt Middle SchoolAsian32.7%830
Imagine International Academy of North TexasAsian49.7%1,437
Independence High SchoolAsian64.6%1,670
Isaacs Early Childhood SchoolHispanic36.9%290
Isbell Elementary SchoolAsian61.4%596
J. B. Wilmeth Elementary SchoolWhite56.4%495
Jack and June Furr Elementary SchoolAsian43.2%881
Jackson Elementary SchoolHispanic64.7%677
James and Margie Marion Elementary SchoolWhite38.1%693
Jasper High SchoolAsian49.3%1,299
Jenny Preston Elementary SchoolAsian40.2%723
Jesse McGowen Elementary SchoolWhite38.2%558
Jim Spradley Elementary SchoolAsian62.1%1,064
Jim and Betty Hughes Elementary SchoolAsian52.6%854
Joe K. Bryant Elementary SchoolWhite39.6%710
Joe V. Hart Elementary SchoolWhite71.7%533
John A. BakerWhite47.1%656
Jose De Jesus and Maria Luisa Vega Elementary SchoolHispanic54.1%473
Judith L. Harlow Elementary SchoolWhite44.9%590
Judy Rucker Elementary SchoolHispanic40.4%715
Kerr Elementary SchoolAsian45.3%655
Lacy Elementary SchoolHispanic33%652
Lawler Middle SchoolAsian82.7%921
Lebanon Trail High SchoolAsian43.3%2,110
Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy PlanoHispanic41%183
Leland E. Edge Middle SchoolHispanic38.9%1,036
Leonard Evans Junior Middle SchoolWhite48%782
Liberty High SchoolAsian50.1%1,730
Light Farms Elementary SchoolWhite62.2%1,015
Liscano Elementary SchoolAsian82%701
Lizzie Nell Cundiff McClure Elementary SchoolWhite50.5%608
Lois Lindsey Elementary SchoolAsian48.4%820
Lone Star Language AcademyAsian54.7%234
Lorene Rogers Middle SchoolWhite55.9%1,618
Lovejoy High SchoolWhite69.3%1,596
Lovelady High SchoolHispanic48.5%637
Lowe Elementary SchoolHispanic36.5%706
Lowery Freshman CenterWhite39.8%1,693
Marcy B. Lykins Elementary SchoolWhite33.3%809
Martha Hunt Elementary SchoolWhite40.3%518
Mary Evans Elementary SchoolAsian52.5%701
Mathews Elementary SchoolWhite41.8%466
Maus Middle SchoolAsian51.3%907
Max O. Vaughan Elementary SchoolWhite38.6%687
McCall Elementary SchoolAsian34.6%492
McClendon Elementary SchoolHispanic52.9%493
McKinney Boyd High SchoolWhite54%2,550
McKinney High SchoolWhite36.7%2,804
McKinney North High SchoolWhite42.1%2,311
McSpedden Elementary SchoolAsian70.1%747
Meadows Elementary SchoolHispanic78.8%364
Melissa High SchoolWhite54.8%1,762
Melissa Middle SchoolWhite49.6%1,472
Melissa Ridge Education CenterAsian36.3%240
Memorial Elementary SchoolHispanic76.6%415
Memorial High SchoolWhite37%1,464
Mendenhall Elementary SchoolHispanic67.4%598
Mike and Janie Reeves Elementary SchoolWhite40.3%670
Miller Elementary SchoolWhite42.5%306
Mitchell Elementary SchoolHispanic57.8%753
Mooneyham Elementary SchoolAsian49.5%594
Murphy Middle SchoolWhite42.2%925
Naomi Press Elementary SchoolBlack29%424
Nelson Middle SchoolAsian70.2%1,131
Nesmith Elementary SchoolWhite43.4%590
New High School #3White60.6%1,716
Norris Elementary SchoolAsian83.7%644
North Creek Elementary SchoolWhite56.7%825
O'Dell Elementary SchoolWhite41.8%801
Ogle Elementary SchoolAsian33.8%544
Otto Middle SchoolAsian34.6%969
Ouida Baley Middle SchoolWhite41.4%1,035
P. M. Akin Elementary SchoolWhite44.8%594
Pearson Early ChildhoodAsian37.9%227
Plano East Senior High SchoolAsian31.3%3,050
Plano ISD Academy High SchoolWhite51%298
Plano JJAEPHispanic50%8
Plano Senior High SchoolWhite39.7%2,258
Plano West Senior High SchoolWhite29.9%2,618
Premier High School-Foundation School of Autism-PlanoBlack33.3%12
Princeton High SchoolHispanic48.1%1,741
Prosper High SchoolWhite49.4%3,449
R. F. Hartman Elementary SchoolWhite35.1%556
R. Steve Folsom Elementary SchoolWhite53%738
R. V. Groves Elementary SchoolHispanic35.4%695
Ralph and Mary Lynn Boyer Elementary SchoolWhite58.5%836
Rasor Elementary SchoolBlack37.4%414
Raymond B. Cooper Junior High SchoolWhite37.5%1,016
Renner Middle SchoolHispanic39.3%1,225
Reuben Johnson Elementary SchoolWhite52.3%388
Reynolds Middle SchoolWhite52.5%1,535
Riddle Elementary SchoolAsian77.3%726
Rita Smith Elementary SchoolWhite43.4%606
Roach Middle SchoolAsian39.1%961
Robert L. Puster Elementary SchoolWhite62.8%551
Robinson Middle SchoolAsian37.8%1,045
Rock Hill High SchoolWhite33%2,373
Rogers Elementary SchoolWhite37.7%525
Rose Haggar Elementary SchoolWhite35.2%599
Roy Lee Walker Elementary SchoolWhite58%398
Ruth Cherry Elementary SchoolWhite43.1%846
Saigling Elementary SchoolWhite63.4%306
Sam Johnson Elementary SchoolWhite48%615
Schell Elementary SchoolAsian44.2%450
Schimelpfenig Middle SchoolWhite44%819
Scoggins Middle SchoolAsian35.5%769
Scott Elementary SchoolAsian40.9%609
Scott Morgan Johnson Middle SchoolHispanic33.1%1,050
Sem Elementary SchoolAsian57%632
Serenity High SchoolWhite66.7%3
Shawnee Trail Elementary SchoolAsian40.2%532
Shepard Elementary SchoolWhite57.3%433
Shepton High SchoolHispanic40.5%1,405
Sigler Elementary SchoolHispanic59.2%461
Skaggs Elementary SchoolAsian66.6%338
Slaughter Elementary SchoolHispanic41.2%556
Sloan Creek Intermediate SchoolWhite69.9%641
Smith Elementary SchoolWhite31.8%670
Smith Elementary SchoolAsian46.4%676
Sonntag Elementary SchoolWhite33.3%516
Southard Middle SchoolHispanic34.1%809
Spears Elementary SchoolAsian32.2%687
Special Program Center/JJAEPBlack100%2
Staley Middle SchoolHispanic37.3%600
Stinson Elementary SchoolAsian41.9%506
Sue Evelyn Rattan Elementary SchoolWhite37.7%665
T. F. Birmingham Elementary SchoolWhite37.3%510
Tadlock Elementary SchoolWhite31.4%516
Talley Elementary SchoolAsian85.1%693
Tatum Elementary SchoolHispanic47.6%553
Taylor Elementary SchoolAsian65.7%757
Thomas Elementary SchoolHispanic61.4%677
Tibbals Elementary SchoolAsian40.5%649
Valley Creek Elementary SchoolWhite56.5%506
Vandeventer Middle SchoolAsian55.4%895
Vines High SchoolWhite43.9%984
W. E. Pete Ford Middle SchoolWhite41.2%716
Wally Watkins Elementary SchoolWhite51.1%850
Walter & Lois Curtis Middle SchoolWhite37.6%1,304
Weatherford Elementary SchoolHispanic54.3%440
Webb Elementary SchoolHispanic58%388
Wells Elementary SchoolWhite38.3%494
Wester Middle SchoolAsian39.8%894
Williams High SchoolHispanic46.8%1,186
Willow Springs Middle SchoolWhite70.6%707
Willow Wood Elementary SchoolWhite40.3%694
Wilson Middle SchoolWhite37.4%852
Wyatt Elementary SchoolAsian52.9%325
Wylie East High SchoolWhite43.9%2,640
Wylie High SchoolWhite40.4%3,095

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Organizations in this Story

Christie ElementaryAndrews ElementaryO'Dell ElementaryArthur H. McNeil ElementaryCarpenter MiddleFowler MiddleJames And Margie Marion ElementaryW.e. Pete Ford MiddleAb Harrison IntermediateNorth Creek ElementaryWalter & Lois Curtis MiddleJenny Preston ElementaryGrady Burnett Junior HighFarmersville Junior HighBowman MiddleLorene Rogers MiddleFrances E. Norton ElementaryComstock ElementaryCollin County JjaepEarl & Lottie Wolford ElementaryJoe V. Hart ElementaryClark Junior HighHarmony School of Innovation - DallasLizzie Nell Cundiff McClure ElementaryBeverly Cheatham ElementaryBlue Ridge MiddleCelina ElementaryAlbert & Iola Lee Davis Malvern ElementaryNelson MiddleBoggess ElementaryReynolds MiddleRoach MiddleMcSpedden ElementaryCarlena Chandler ElementaryAlton Boyd ElementaryMcCall ElementaryR.f. Hartman ElementaryClark High SchoolMelissa MiddleNesmith Elementary SchoolClark MiddleJim Spradley ElementaryAllen High SchoolProsper High SchoolMaus MiddleSchimelpfenig MiddleC.a. McMillen High SchoolGlen Oaks ElementaryWeatherford ElementaryMcKinney North High SchoolCheri Cox Elementary SchoolSigler ElementaryP.m. Akin ElementaryMelissa High SchoolWilliams High SchoolHuffman ElementaryDooley ElementaryDr. Al Draper Intermediate SchoolCollin County JjaepHarrington ElementaryFarmersville IntermediateMcKinney High SchoolWillow Springs MiddleCarlisle ElementaryCelina PrimaryWilson MiddleJackson ElementaryJudith L. Harlow ElementaryCentennial ElementaryBlue Ridge High SchoolEarly Childhood SchoolRiddle ElementaryAnna MiddleCommunity High SchoolEmerson High SchoolTatum ElementaryMary Evans ElementarySouthard MiddleScott ElementaryHead StartMcClendon ElementaryHendrick MiddleAldridge ElementaryRalph And Mary Lynn Boyer ElementaryGeorge W. Bush ElementaryRogers ElementaryHarper ElementaryOgle ElementaryRobert L. Puster ElementaryBorchardt ElementaryJim And Betty Hughes ElementaryJose De Jesus And Maria Luisa Vega ElementaryDodd ElementaryCelina High SchoolPlano JjaepStaley MiddleDean And Mildred Bennett ElementaryDavis ElementaryFaubion MiddleR.v. Groves ElementaryFrank McMillan Junior HighMooneyham ElementaryFounders Classical Academy - FriscoSloan Creek IntermediateSmith ElementaryMurphy MiddleJack And June Furr ElementaryBeaty Early Childhood SchoolFlossie Floyd Green ElementaryBeverly ElementaryPearson Early ChildhoodLiscano ElementaryIsaacs Early Childhood SchoolPremier High School-Foundation School of Autism-PlanoScott Morgan Johnson MiddleShepton High SchoolLowery Freshman CenterFounders Classical Academy of ProsperSpears ElementaryMcKinney Boyd High SchoolSlaughter ElementaryLegacy Preparatory Charter Academy PlanoStinson ElementaryMendenhall ElementaryLawler MiddleLiberty High SchoolWester MiddlePlano Isd Academy High SchoolC.t. Eddins ElementaryFrisco High SchoolAshley ElementaryHarry McKillop ElementaryGene M. Reed ElementaryHedgcoxe ElementaryWillow Wood Elementary SchoolBarksdale ElementaryGulledge ElementaryBolin ElementaryLeland E. Edge Middle SchoolHaggard MiddleCynthia A. Cockrell ElementaryPlano Senior High SchoolMelissa Ridge Education CenterSchell Elementary SchoolCollin County JjaepShepard ElementarySonntag ElementaryHightower ElementaryScoggins MiddleElliott ElementaryTibbals ElementaryT.f. Birmingham ElementaryTexas State Executive - State Board of EducationAchieve AcademyC.m. Rice MiddleRoyse City MiddleJudy Rucker ElementaryJasper High SchoolLebanon Trail High SchoolShawnee Trail ElementaryLowe ElementaryMartha Hunt ElementaryMemorial ElementaryLovelady High SchoolTalley ElementaryFrankford MiddleChristie ElementaryHerman Lawson Early Childhood SchoolPlano East Senior High SchoolHunt MiddleRita Smith ElementaryVandeventer MiddleJesse McGowen ElementaryForman ElementarySkaggs ElementaryJ.b. Wilmeth ElementaryBlue Ridge ElementaryAlvis C. Story ElementaryRasor ElementaryGunstream ElementaryRock Hill High SchoolJohn A. BakerHughston ElementaryAnna High SchoolGodwin ElementaryGary And Bobbye Jack Minshew ElementaryBurks ElementaryReuben Johnson ElementaryMiller ElementaryCollin County JjaepWells ElementaryRose Haggar ElementaryMax O. Vaughan ElementaryFarmersville High SchoolLeonard Evans Junior MiddleSem ElementaryDavis IntermediateBright AcademyAnderson ElementaryHaun ElementaryMathews ElementaryRuth Cherry Intermediate SchoolBrinker Elementary SchoolDaffron ElementaryVines High SchoolDowell MiddleAnna ISD DAEPR. Steve Folsom ElementaryOtto MiddleSpecial Prog Center/JjaepCaldwell ElementaryTaylor ElementaryDon Whitt Elementary SchoolBill Hays MiddleTadlock ElementaryMeadows ElementaryMitchell ElementaryThomas ElementaryLacy ElementaryFinch ElementaryBethany ElementaryCelina Junior HighWebb ElementaryWyatt ElementaryDavid And Lynda Olson ElementaryJjaepRenner MiddleLone Star Language AcademySerenity HighHeritage High SchoolSue Evelyn Rattan ElementarySam Johnson Elementary SchoolLovejoy High SchoolLois Lindsey ElementaryEreckson MiddleRoy Lee Walker ElementaryCurtsinger ElementaryCounty Residential CenterKerr ElementarySaigling ElementarySmith ElementaryWally Watkins ElementaryValley Creek ElementaryNaomi Press ElementaryNorris ElementaryCanup Early ChildhoodLight Farms ElementaryJoe K. Bryant ElementaryIsbell ElementaryBarron ElementaryWylie East High SchoolIndependence High SchoolCentennial High SchoolRaymond B. Cooper Junior HighMike and Janie Reeves Elementary SchoolArmstrong MiddleDavis ElementaryMemorial High SchoolRobinson MiddlePlano West Senior High SchoolHickey Elementary

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